Thursday, December 25, 2008


This Christmas was really different and fun. My family woke me up at 7:15 a.m. and here was our lot....

Chasen's lot-
Hotwheels= I am not going to tell you how many hotwheel stuff he got. And anyone who gave him hotwheels he says thank you.
P Js= My grandma Bevan gave him car pjs and he loved them!! He also says thank you.
Puzzles= He got 2 puzzles one from santa and one for JoLynn. (JoLynn once he saw them he started to put them together and he ask me to finish it for him.)
Books= He love the books you all gave him.
Pokemon= Everyone who gave him pokemon he went wild and he says thank you.
Movies= He also love every movie he got. He said thank you.
Paint= Make your own loin He loved that so much!!

Kylee's lot=
pjs= I got pink pjs from my Grandma Bevan thank you.
UNO= I got uno I loved it.
socks and magnets= This is from my aunt steph Thank you.
movies= I got one movie and I love it.
Books= I got 4 books and i love them.
Cd= i got a cd from my aunt JoLynn. Thank you.
lip balm= I love it. Thank you.
iTune cards= from my mom $15 dollar and one from my dad $25 dollar. Thank you.
My grandma Jones gave me a Presious Moment grandmother and granddaughter Thank you.

sSo that is our Christmas we love our presents if i forgot a present that I did not put on here it is because I sometimes for got so we love our presents, love you!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Holidays everybody!!!

Hello everyone. I just love the holidays, but only one thing I don't like is the snow. Why you say, because it is cold and makes my feet and my body freeze alot. I hope everyone will have a great holiday!!! Oh, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Choir concert.

On Dec.11,2008 at 6:00 p.m. there were 78 kids that had a concert. And I was one of them. I had really fun at my first choir concert. I think my favorite part is when we clapped to BINGO!!! We sang 12 songs and it was long I was really tired when we got home. The songs we sang were: Catch A Falling Star, Silver Bells, It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year, Simple Gifts, Hey Ho Nobody's Home, Laudamus Canon, Its a Marshmallow World, The Peace Carol, On This Still Silent Night, Walking in the Air, Christmas in Killarney, and Hot Chocolate.


It is snowing up here like crazy. It has been snowing since 1:00 p.m. and it is still snowing.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bad News...

So, I ride the bus to school every morning. And today I found out that my bus driver Jean will not going to be our bus driver anymore. She is going on the road with her husband. Dec. 5, 2008 will be her last day with us.

Monday, December 1, 2008

something interesting

You Are a Dash

Your life is fast paced and varied. You are realistic, down to earth, and very honest.

You're often busy doing something interesting, and what you do changes quickly.

You have many facets to your personality, and you connect them together well.

You have a ton of interests. While some of them are a bit offbeat, they all tie together well.

You friends rely on you to bring novelty and excitement to their lives.

(And while you're the most interesting person they know, they can't help feeling like they don't know you well.)

You excel in: Anything to do with money

You get along best with: the Exclamation Point

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Top 3 books of the week....

1- A book from my aunt Stephaine and it is called Where the Sidewalk Ends byh Shel Silverstein. My aunt Stephaine has this book and before she moved to the house she lived in she will always read it to me. What a great memory.

2- Laura Ingalls Wilder book collection is amazing. I will all ways read it what a great book. My Grandma and Late Grandpa Jones gave me the 3rd book and it is amazing.

3- Dairy of a Whimpy kid is a great book. I read it 5 times and my mom well almost 9 times. Now we want to 2nd book to it. Oh, it was really funny. I did my book report on it and my teacher like the book report. what a great book.

Next week will be Top 3 books....!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Good Morning-
my talk is on honest.
Let me take a moment to explainmy definition of honesty to you.
H-honor the teachings if Christ and Heavenly Father.
O- Obey the commandments.
N-Never doubt the word of God.
E-Each of us will be blessed by Heavenly Father when we choose to be honest everyday.
S- Strive to live honestly with neighbors, friends, and accquintences.
T- Telling the truth and being honest walk hand in hand- If you are being truthful you are being honest. Honesty is being truthful.
Y-You have the choice to live honestly everyday.
I would like to share a scripure with you..
Alma 27:27-
And they were among the people of Nephi, and also numbered among the peopple who were of the church of Gos. And they were also distinguished of their zeal towards God, and perfectly honest and up right in all thing; and they were firm infaith of Christ, even unto the end.

I would like to share a story..
When i was 3 years old I accidently took a big package of gukm, Not knowing what I was doing, without paying for it. When we got to the parking lot , My mom asked me "where did you get that?" I said "the store." So my mom took me back in to the store so we can pay for it. The cashier said "Theank you, You are very honest."

When you are honest in everyway, you build strength of character that will allow you to be a great service to God and others.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Guest Book

On the bottom on the page there is a guest book that you can sign. All you have to do is just click on sign guest book. And you just put your name, photo and where you live. You can even put a little message on it. Enjoy.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Birthday to Uncle Kirk!

Yes, Kirk is now 13 years old. And he sounds like he is in his early 20s (sorry Kirk.) So Happy Birthday Kirk.

My new favorite song.

This is from Aladdin but only part of it!
One Jump Ahead.

Aladdin= Let's not be too hasty.

Fat lady= Still i think he is rather tasty.

This is one if my favorite songs on earth.
For the rest of the song go and watch the movie.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

BYU Game

So today we went to the BYU football game. and the BYU won 43 to 13!!!!
Here are some pictures of a long time a go and at the BYU game!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Halloween this year was okay. I went to my friend's house to pick a costume. Then I went to Trunk-or-Treat, and we went to a couple of houses. And I went to her party. I forgot to take pictures! Next year I am pasting out candy. And help Chasen. Nate did not dress up this year, Chasen was a "skull ninja." Two of my teachers who are Mr.Orton and Mr.Peterson dressed up as girls. And during math we could not do are test in front of a boy teacher who is a girl. It was really hard to do. Then Mr.Peterson who was a really tall girl, we callher Mrs.Peterson. ( oh, we called Mr.Orton, Grandma Orton!) It was really funny. During 1a yesterday, Mr.Peterson told us to get a lot of candy for him. Ha,ha,ha! Oh,Steve, I am not talking about you. I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Chasen is going to be a Skull Ninja for Halloween. More pictures soon about Halloween!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Husband or son?!?

So I was cooking mash potatoes, and I heard my mom came upstairs. And she said " it is my husband", and Chasen said " I thought I was your husband!" So me and my mom had to tell him he is a son and a brother. So if you think it is funny leave a comment! Thanks!

Monday, October 20, 2008



